Monday, December 21, 2009


Okay this weekend's storm was suprisingly alot of fun. I will admit that it did eff up my nephew's birthday celebration but we still had fun. We spent the day at his hip hop class , ate some McDonald's (yes I even had one McNugget), and we put together his lego miner set. Afterwards we headed to his house for a very fun dinner and we chowed down on some yummy cake and ice wasn't quite the bowling party we planned for but he still had a great time!!

Afterwards my sister and I drove in that white blizzardy mess and when I got home I couldn't drive my damm car in the gargage was stuck in the snow . Oh well. So I went to bed and guess what I woke up to.....My car trapped in about 2 feet of snow thanks to Mr Snow Plow....arrggghhh.

I had an ish load of errands to run yesterday and I couldn't wait for my landlord to shovel so I saw the shovel and went to work. Man I was working up a sweat in that bitch. In a hour and half I was out of breath, drenched in sweat, and with the help of my neighbors dug my car out and cleared the path of snow in the garage.

I didn't have time for the gym but judging from how exhausted I was I knew I burned some serious calories. Just how much I wasn't sure, but I wasnt worried about hitting the gym because I knew I did a job.

So this morning I ventured to the internet and typed in calories and shoveling via my favorite search engine (google) and I came across this.

This fitness website FITDAY has a calorie calculator for different activities. Simply type your info and have the amount of calories burned.

According to my stats I burned 560 calories (more or less) in 2 hours.

Click here and check it out.

Fitness is everywhere people seize the day and be active.

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