Tuesday, December 15, 2009


OMG this is such bullshit. Have you seen this shake weight commercial. Basically the makers of this wonderous contraption promise a sleek and sculpted upper body by simply holding on to a weight that shakes :/

Of course to market this miraculous wonderous machine they use fitness models. Now I know through all the hours I spend in the gym and dieting that you will not look like a grecian goddess by simply holding on to a shaking weight. If that is the case I could sit on the washing machine during the spin cycle to rid myself of the celluite on my ass. Aghhh!! I hate to sound like a broken record....but ummm the only way to sucessfully lose weight is through diet, exercise, and a good mulitvitamin intake.
Of course they seduce you into buying this gizmo by focusing on one problem area (flabby arms), luring you with an easy/lazy solution hold to a weight and shake it, in little time (6 minutes), for cheap ($20). Are they for real. Okay so let's say that your arms do firm up...what about your gut and cottage cheese thighs??? Will this shake it weight help that...nooo???
Please people there are no shortcuts. Don't be fooled...Actually a part of me is hoping that this is still a joke.

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