Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So today is turning out to be one of those days at work and instead of stressing (cause ya know it aint no good for you) I will vent.

I CANNOT STAND ANNOYING AZZ CRY BABIES. No not newborns or toddlers but annoying adults who make up excuses for the way they are and expect sympathy from you. However, when you fail to give it, they throw a titty fit. Case in point. Today at work we had a lunch and learn seminar about nutrition. I found this pretty informative. The speaker was super knowledgeable and broke alot of his info down with facts and analogies (my favorite). Then this one woman chimed in at the end ..here is the convo

Woman: This is all great but I need more hours in the day to get things done. I am a mother of two and I just don't have enough hours to get things done.

Speaker: Oh Im sorry when does your day start?

Woman: 6AM

Speaker: So it does not start at 12am and end at 11:59 pm like the rest of us?

Woman: Well yeah..but..

Speaker: I'm not picking on you but I think if the President of the United States can work out three days a week then so can you!!

(I am dying inside)

Woman: Well..he...ummm...(in a disgusted voice) nevermind

His point is that no matter how busy your day is there is always time to fit something else in. Yes the President has people to do regular everyday things for him, but at the end of the day he chooses to take care of himself rather than sleeping, snacking, or complaining about how tired and stressed out he is.

There becomes a point where you have to give up something to get something in return. That's just the way it goes in life . Anything worth having takes alot of sacrifice and you have to fight to get what you want.

No Apologies people!! Keep it moving....

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