Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dude Looks Like A Lady!!

Ladies, this one is for you....
Okay, so yesterday I did my usual workout routine followed by a refreshing shower in the gym (I have to shower there unfortunately because I have to go straight to work afterwards ). Anyway I am toweling off and I started chit chatting with one of the Monday morning regulars. FYI, the gym that I train in is small, and there is no separate room to change your clothes just one tight open space. So that means baby girl is in the nude…as people go in and out. As I was drying off, the lady started talking to me about how her body has changed since she’s gotten older (she's only mid to late 30’s mind you). She picked up her shirt and pulled down her pants a little to show me how her once supple skin is starting to lose its elasticity. Now, she is a slim girl but all she needs is a little toning. When I told her that she needed to lift weights to get more definition she looked me up and down, switched her nose up in the air and gave the ever familiar line, “No that’s not for me….I don’t want to bulk up!” First of all I said to myself, “Bitch, I don’t why you are looking at me and frowning because I don’t look like one of those man beasts.” But as that thought subsided I tried to tell her that would not happen.

NEWSFLASH… you will not look like THIS if you strength train!The only way you can get to this point of no return is “help” via medical intervention. Rather, a proper weight lifting routine will give you a look like THIS:or THIS:A good circuit weight training routine is essential to giving you that toned look, and just another FYI, cardio alone will not do it!!! If you only do cardio your skin will not gain definition. So, all of the miles that you run on the treadmill and calories burned on the elliptical are not helping you in that area.

Below are just a few reasons why you should pump iron:

1) Increased Metabolic Rate- adding muscle increases our metabolism naturally
2) Increasing and Restoring Bone Density- prevent and fight osteoporosis by building strong bones.
3) Increased Lean Muscle Mass- each pound of lean muscle mass burns 35-50 calories per day.
4) Aging Gracefully- strong muscles build a strong body. Strength training and fitness can help keep aging bodies in well-working condition
5) Feeling Better and Looking Better- strength training reduces overall body fat, it tones our muscles and it builds confidence.

Just in case you are curious, here’s a sample of my workout (and men you can do this too just add more pounds or sets to make it more challenging):

ABS: 20 reps of ab crunches s/s* with 10 Knee Raises (3 sets with a 15 second break between sets)

LEGS :10 leg extensions s/s* with 10 hamstring curls (3 sets)

BACK :10 assisted pull ups (3 sets)

SHOULDERS :15 side laterals (3 sets)

TRICEPS:15 Dips s/s with 10 tricep pull downs (2 sets)

BICEPS: 10 hammer curls s/s with 10 bicep curls (use the bar)

*s/s - Super/Set

Now don’t be intimated by all of those juice heads in the weight room and get to work, and with No Apologies people!!!!


  1. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie... I think my reaction would be the same, instead when I look you up and down then turn my nose up in the air, I would be thinking "I know you are not talking to me" even though I see the benefits of strength training on your body. I think there is some sort of stigma attached to women pumping iron; it is feared that if a female starts to lift weights she will soon look like a man beast. I will give it a try because running is doing nothing for my little stomach pudge. I may need to do some strengh training to work it all out. Thanks!

  2. Yeah girl don't be afraid. There are some women who you know lift weights because they look JACKED!! But you wouldn't guess that alot of Hollywood actresses lift because they are skinny and have more of that natural bikini body which i think is how most women want to look.

    Don't let a few bad apples deter you from lifting. Ask your personal trainer for a routine that will give you that desired look.

    You will be suprised at the results..trust me..i know!!
