1) PRIDE – To see my President at my Alma Mater (Go IRISH!!)
2) DISGUST – At the controversy of him giving the speech (COUGH…BUSH…COUGH….CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.)
I know you are like, “Huh!! What does food have to do with the President speaking at the number one Catholic school in the country?”
Well a few weeks ago at my job, I was lucky to sit through a Lunch & Learn. One of the jewels the speaker dropped was the history of eating three times a day. According to the speaker back in the 1200’s the Church wooed people to Christianity during the crusades by offering food three times a day. Every time the local countrymen ate (courtesy of the church) they paid homage and reverence to God…THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.
However it is 2009 and it’s time to eat smarter. Eating three times a day is not good for you. When we wait five to six hours to eat, we send our blood sugar levels in a tail spin. Waiting too long to eat can cause your blood sugar levels to dip low which can cause fatigue. Also when people wait long to satisfy their hunger they tend to overeat and consume nutrient poor food. This as a result causes people’s blood sugar levels to spike and your pancreas releases insulin into the blood stream. Over time eating inconsistently and poorly can cause a person’s body to lose insulin sensitivity. High levels of insulin helps convert the excess sugar into fat…HELLO DIMPLES ON YOUR BUTT CHEEKS!!!! Solution – Eat more often and eat smaller meals. I eat every 2 to 3 hours . Think about it..this way. Your body is like a store. The quicker a store sells through it’s inventory, the more profitably it becomes, and the more inventory it needs to stay in business !!! Well your body is the same way and your inventory is small healthy portions. The more you eat (healthy….that is), the faster your body turns it over, and the more it needs to keep going.
So go to your local farmer's market and get some healthy and hearty eats!!!
Enjoy your Sunday everyone :)
I like this post, and have found it to be very informative...thanks