Friday, May 15, 2009

Food For Thought

Sodium consumption es muy importante. Consuming too much sodium contributes to high blood pressure. Over time, a high amount of salt can lead to congestive heart failure, cirrhosis (chronic liver disease), as well as kidney disease. The American Heart and Health Association recommends that you only have 2300mg of sodium.

Well, did you know that the Premium Grilled Chicken Sandwich at Mc Donald’s has 1470 mg of sodium? Oh yeah and don’t forget your medium fries (270mg), three ketchup packets (330mg), medium sized diet coke (45mg), and because your fries were not salty enough one salt packet (270mg). This amounts to a whopping total of 2385mg. So guess what? You are already maxed out on your sodium intake for the day. Oh I’m sorry, maybe you're one of the people that go to Mc Donald’s and have the salad. Well then here's some information for you- The Premium Grilled Chicken Salad has 960 mg of sodium. But, let’s not forget about that fat free balsamic dressing (730 mg) for a total of 1690mg which is 70% of your daily intake for only one meal!!!
A better choice from the Mc Dic’s menu (as far as salt is concerned) is a hamburger, (520mg), small fries (160mg), 1 ketchup packet (110), and a side salad (10mg) for a total of 790 mg of sodium or 34% of your daily allowance. Not to mention, it’s only 500 calories (fat content is another story). Click here to get the all the facts on your favorite eats at Mc D’s . And just to be fair, here is Wendy’s, and here is Burger King (BK’s menu guide is kinda cool btw).

Besides fast food, processed meats (bacon, sausage, and ham), canned soups and veggies have high amounts of sodium too. So choose wisely my friends, it’s for your own good!!!


  1. I read some where that one way to cut down on the sodium in some of your favorite can food is to rinse it with water before consuming it.

    It's hard to get away from sodium because it's in almost every thing. In an attempt to limit my sodium intake, I stay away from processed and fast food. I also cut out diet sodas. I used to be big on deli meats but I cut that out too - even those that are marked as low sodium.

    I now stock up on frozen veggies and fish. To make up for the deli meats, I grill enough chicken and a small amount of lean steak to last me for a week. I keep it stored in fridge for a quick salad or sandwich...And for my next feat, I will attempt to roast a turkey breast...:) keep me in prayer...

    Yours Truly in Fitness....

  2. LOL...that's good girl. And your right our food has enough sodium in it naturally but then we add on more salt to it too. I too gave up deli meats once i found out how much salt is in there. We just really have to take the time and prep our foods the good ol fashion way. You are doing the right thing girl!!!
