Monday, April 27, 2009

Let’s Talk About SEX er, I mean Stress!!!

Happy Monday All,
It’s the beginning of another work week for all of my cubicle heads. I’m sure that the tinge of dread came upon you Sunday night while you were watching your favorite shows and hoping that the night would never end. NEWSFLASH: it did and now you're probably stressing over a project and pissed of that your annoying ass co-workers will not STFU about their weekend.
Well stop stressing, 'cause above all else it’s making you FAT!!! I’m sure you have heard this all before but repetition helps the memory, so here we go.

When you are stressed your body goes into a a flight or fight mode and your body releases cortisol, a stress hormone. If you are in this state for an extended period of time then your metabolism will slow down!! So that means that even it you eat reasonably well you will still gain weight.
But we all know good and damn well that when you are stressed you are not eating salads and grilled chicken. Instead you become best friends with the neighborhood crack dealer..aka the fast food mafia. People become relaxed when they know there mental state will be soothed by yummy, fatty, and sugary foods.
If you stress a lot this can be stored in your abdomen which is dangerous as this type of fat storage (android or pear shaped obesity) leaves those at a higher risk for developing heart disease.

Stress can also cause your blood sugar to rise. This can result in mood swings galore, fatigue, and hyperglycemia ( abnormally high levels of glucose in your blood). This is dangerous because in worse case scenarios this can lead to a myriad of heart problems and diabetes.
So relax people. Be thankful that you have a job and have to listen to your coworker’s attention seeking antics…and think sexy thoughts of you with a sexy body, and of course with No Apologies.

Until next time...

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